The question of how the media treat issues of mental disorder forms part of the inspiration for our ongoing series of Curatorial Conversations...
Here are the final details for our involvement in the Imperial War Museum's event for Open House London on Saturday September 17. These free...
To mark the 30th anniversary of the Perinatal Unit at the Bethlem Gallery, the new Gallery exhibition will consist of paintings, drawings, sculpture...
Last weekend the Hospital welcomed a reported thousand people onsite for the annual Sunfayre, to enjoy the good weather and delicious cupcakes...
As previously reported on this blog, a conference in Birmingham recently explored nineteenth-century asylums. One researcher, Jennifer Wallis...
Staff from the Archives and Museum recently attended the third International Conference on the History and Heritage of Psychiatry, which was...
Learn about the interesting work that has been going on at the University of Glamorgan looking at 'medicine at the margins'.
As previously announced on this blog, around forty early career researchers from around the world recently attended a conference at the Wellcome...
Further to the conference announcement we posted last month, here are details of more upcoming conferences which may interest our readers:The...
Next month, the excellent Croydon Clocktower will be hosting an illustrated talk by Pam Buttrey, author of Cane Hill: the Tower on the Hill...
The 3rd International Conference on the History and Heritage of Psychiatry is to take place at Museum Dr Guislain in Ghent, Belgium on 28 and...
A new show opens at the Bethlem Gallery next week, showcasing the creative talent of Hospital patients. The exhibition, Unescorted #2, comprises...
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