Bethlem Museum of the Mind is the perfect place for groups to experience and celebrates the achievements of people with mental health problems. It provides an engaging introduction with our collections to learn something new and be inspired.
Arrange a group visit of our museum and exhibitions or take a walk through history led by one of our staff.
Online Resources

Explore Bethlem
What was it like inside London’s Bethlem hospital at the end of the Victorian era? Was it really as chaotic and unpleasant as the hospital’s nickname ‘bedlam’ suggests?

The Maze
An interactive experience looking further into the Maze painting by William Kurelek (1927-1977).

This is Your Hospital
A web learning resource devoted to the middle twenty years of the life of Warlingham Park Hospital.

See, Think, Wonder
An Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) resource. Take a closer look at some of the artworks in the Museum of the Mind collection.