Object Lesson V
Park Farm, 1945 – 1958/9
For much of this post war period the Farm was running at or near a financial loss. However the Hospital Board continued to feel strongly that it should be maintained and managed by the Hospital as it ensured seclusion for patients and left options open if new buildings were needed.
Poultry was re-introduced on the Farm after the war and there was expansion of the cattle and pig herds as well as regular cropping and fertilising programmes undertaken on the land.
Milk production at Park Farm
The quality of the milk produced at Park Farm was regularly tested by the Hospital Pathologist, as had happened at the old Hospital.
Overall the milk quality was good throughout, except for occasional findings of TB when some cows had to be condemned and brucella abortus, when stock had to be inoculated.
There was much debate generally in the 1930s-1950s about the advantages and disadvantages of pasteurising milk. Expert advice was sought in 1950 and it was recommended that the Hospital stopped pasteurisation, so all the associated plant and equipment was sold. In February 1952 when brucella abortus was found, it was agreed that the milk should once again be treated before use and pasteurisation was then undertaken by an outside company on a contract basis.