Our Corner of London
Those whose plans to visit the Archives & Museum (to honour their group booking or other appointment) were frustrated by the weather last week may like to know that a thaw is currently in progress, and that we are maintaining our usual opening hours of 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. The Affordable Art Fair continues on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 11am to 6pm at the Bethlem Gallery - a great place to find a unique Christmas gift. Those who still have Christmas cards to buy and are in striking distance of the Archives & Museum may like to know that we are selling overstocks of our 'Bethlem Chapel in the snow' and 'Christmas Sun' cards at an extremely reasonable price. (We're sorry, but it's too late for us to accept email or telephone orders for these)
A word of warning, however: at the time of writing, side roads and pavements remain icy and extremely hazardous for drivers and pedestrians alike in our corner of London. Do take care, and call ahead if in any doubt.