The Joy of the Travelling Archivist
Yesterday Hull History Centre played host to local schoolchildren out on a visit to celebrate National Storytelling Week. By all accounts, great fun was had by all. But these and others missed out on the mini conference of archivists held in the meeting room next door, devoted to the "New Archive Buildings and Services." Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives & Museum sent a representative because of our plans to relocate elsewhere on the Hospital site in the (reasonably) near future. A series of presentations drew attention to various recent new building projects. Much of the day was devoted to recounting technical challenges encountered and solutions found in the course of relocation projects, but one contributor (Ian Mason from The Treasure House in Beverley) encouraged the conference to regard the time and effort expended on any move as an investment which will in time pay off.
The papers presented were, however, not the only source of inspiration available to participants. Hull History Centre is itself a brand new facility, which was seen and used at its best in yesterday's glorious Yorkshire sunshine.

Hull History Centre brand new facility