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Name of Patient.

Henry Leontine Gamlen






March 11th, 1893

Residence at or immediately previous to date.

Fair View, Caversham Park, Reading

Rank, Profession or Occupation.

Outfitter’s manager

Degree of Education.


Religious Persuasion.

Church of England

Married, Single or Widowed.


Number of Children.


Age of youngest Child.


Whether the first Attack.


Age on first Attack.


Duration of existing Attack.

6 months

How many previous Attacks.


Confined in any Lunatic Asylum.






And how long.


Supposed cause of Insanity.



? Alcohol




Whether Suicidal.


Whether dangerous to others, and in what way.

Not seemingly dangerous, but threatens

State of Bodily Health.


Whether of sober habits.


Relatives afflicted with Insanity.


Urgency Certificate. (if any).          
a. Facts indicating Insanity observed by myself at the time of Examination, viz.—


b. Facts communicated by others.


1st Medical Certificate.         James Hopkins Walters, 15 Friar Street, Reading.
a. Facts indicating Insanity observed by myself at the time of Examination, viz.—
Replied to questions in a loud and offensive tone, making a mark division between each syllable of each word. Was frequently muttering with face turned to the wall. Says he hears voices through the wall that speak through him. Sees imps all day off and on. They are some black and others blue and when he shakes his fist at them they evaporate. Has previously been melancholic.

b. Facts communicated by others.
His father, Mr. William John Gamlen, of Fair View, Caversham Place Park, Oxfordshire, informs me that he is often violent and uses threats, is harsh and irritable to the children. Says they must not challenge the will of man, which is stronger than that of the devil. Threatens to devil his relations.
March 2nd, 1893

2nd Medical Certificate.        Richard Moody-Ward, M.B. Oxon., Wellington House, King’s Road, Reading.
a. Facts indicating Insanity observed by myself at the time of Examination, viz.—
His manner is nervous, his face constantly twitching and drawn into a scowl or sardonic laugh. He answers questions intelligently, but sullenly and menacingly. He hears voices and keeps up a constant muttering communication with ‘the spirits’ he sees; but declines to say what the voices tell him.

b. Facts communicated by others.
His father, William John Gamlen, of the same address, states that he is restless and violent in manner; that he has threatened to pull his father’s nose; that he constantly mutters and sees spirits and hears voices; that he has been melancholic for some months previously.
March 3rd, 1893


Left the Hospital.



Relation of Informant to Patient:   Father.

Family History.
Insanity or other Diseases of Nervous System:  
Mother’s brother a little deficient mentally. A brother has severe asthma. One brother died of convulsions in infancy.
Phthsis:   Mother died of consumption, also history in mother’s family.
Alcoholism:   No.
Diabetes:   No.
Other Diseases:   No.

Previous History.
Neuroses in Patient:  
Acute Rheumatism or Chorea:   No.
Fits – epileptic or hysterical:   Said that had one fit 4 years ago.
Fits – infantile:   No.
Fevers, &c.:   Measles – No influenza.
Syphilis:   No.
Other Diseases:  
Before illness began, had been taking ?? for some months – is thought to have taken too much.
Total abstention till 18, since may have taken a little more than quite good for him.
Number and nature of previous attacks:   No.
Injuries or shocks:   No.

Present Attack.
Time of earliest symptoms:   9 months ago.
Nature of earliest symptoms:  
Out of temper easily, began to have suspicions, soon after began to see his relations as altered, black and white - hallucinations definitely having last 3 months. Thoroughly disliked everybody and everything he previously liked.
Progress of case:
Suicidal or Dangerous (facts):  
Has threatened to pull father’s nose and bring in his father’s housetop.
Tendency to leave home:   No.

Hallucinations (observed before admission).
of Sight:   Yes. ‘Spirits’
of Hearing:   Yes. Voices – converses with imaginary beings.
of Taste:   No.
of Smell:   No.
of Common Sensation:   No.

On Admission.

Presence or Absence of Bruises:   No bruises.
Tongue:   Clean. Some faint tremor.
Palate and Teeth:
Appetite:   Good.
Bowels:   Regular.
Abdominal Viscera:  
Pelvic Viscera:  
Urine:   1020 acid, no albumen, no sugar.
Heart, Pulse, etc.:   Normal.
Lungs:   Normal.
Eyes and Sight:   Normal.
Pupils:   Equal - act to light and accommodation.
Ears and Hearing:   Normal.
Taste and Smell:   Normal.
Common Sensation:   Normal.
Walk:   Normal.
Reflexes:   Knee jerks present.
Temperature:   Normal.
Weight:   8st. 5lb.
Sleep:   Good.
Dreams:   No.
Reaction to questions:   Fairly good.
Memory, Recent:   Fairly good.
Remote:   Good.
Delusions, Exaltation:   No.
Depression:   No.
Delusions related to digestion or food:   No.
Poison:   No.
Obstruction:   No.
Hallucinations of Taste and Smell:   Of smell, yes.
Hallucinations of Sight:   Yes – Black, blue and red spirits.
Hallucinations of Hearing:   Yes. Voices.
Hallucinations of Common Sensation:  Once a peculiar feeling (next ??).
Suicidal or Homicidal:   No.
Diagnosis:   Delusional.
Prognosis:   Bad, unless alcoholic.

Healthy looking young man with dark hair – Looks depressed. Talks in a slow deliberate way, which he says does not differ from his usual way. Is unwillingly to converse about himself, says that he is all right and wants rest and complains of the noise in the gallery. Says he has been weak and out of sorts for nearly a year and has seen spirits etc since last October. He now sees black, red and blue spirits or devils; they are of about the same size as human beings, unclothed and have a ‘spiritual’ appearance, they come out of the walls and vanish if he advances towards them or waves his hand towards them; he does not seem to have observed them closely and is very unwilling to enter into details about them; in reply to a question he said they were generally moving about.
He also hears voices which he hears when there are no spirits about; he either cannot or will not tell me what they say. The attendant has noticed him standing by the wall talking as if to someone on the other side. He tells me that he supposes the spirits to come from below but has not thought much about them as “these things are all in the hands of God.” He said he occasionally has strange noxious smells which he cannot ascribe to anything. All his hallucinations appear to be disagreeable. On an occasion some time ago, when a silver pen was put into his hand, he felt a peculiar thrill run up his arm and down his body to his leg, has never felt anything like it before or since.
Since he has been ill, he thinks his relatives have not looked quite the same as before; that they look rougher.
Mar. 20 – Keeps very much to himself, still seen at times talking to imaginary voices; and while anyone is talking to him, he seems to hear the voices. Still answers in a sullen way as if annoyed.
Mar. 27 – Says he does not see spirits now, but still hears voices. Still solitary and seems sullen when spoken to. Says that he believes the spirits and voices are real, but will not tell me what he thinks they mean.
Apr. 4 – Still hears voices; is seen at times answering imaginary voices. Says that he does not now see spirits.
Apr. 11 – No change.
May 12 – Seems about the same – Keeps by himself and is very unwilling to talk – Says he still hears voices and sees spirits but not so much as he did – Often walks about waving his arms and gesticulating as if in conversation with somebody.
Jun. 5 – Taking food badly and has lost seven pounds in weight since admission.
Jun. 27 – Is solitary and will not converse with other patients, walks by himself, makes grimaces and gesticulates. Says he does not see “Imps” now.
Jun. 16 – 3 months extension.
Sep. 13 – Discharged uncured.