Patients - Explore Bethlem
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Name of Patient.Henry Leontine Gamlen Gender.Male Age.25 Admitted.March 11th, 1893 |
Residence at or immediately previous to date.Fair View, Caversham Park, Reading |
Rank, Profession or Occupation.Outfitter’s manager |
Degree of Education.Good |
Religious Persuasion.Church of England |
Married, Single or Widowed.Single |
Number of Children.- |
Age of youngest Child.- |
Whether the first Attack.Yes |
Age on first Attack.25 |
Duration of existing Attack.6 months |
How many previous Attacks.None |
Confined in any Lunatic Asylum.Nowhere |
Where.- |
When.- |
And how long.- |
Supposed cause of Insanity.Unknown |
Exciting.? Alcohol |
Predisposing.? |
Whether Suicidal.No |
Whether dangerous to others, and in what way.Not seemingly dangerous, but threatens |
State of Bodily Health.Good |
Whether of sober habits.Yes |
Relatives afflicted with Insanity.None |
Urgency Certificate. (if any).
b. Facts communicated by others.
1st Medical Certificate. James Hopkins Walters, 15 Friar Street, Reading. b. Facts communicated by others. |
2nd Medical Certificate. Richard Moody-Ward, M.B. Oxon., Wellington House, King’s Road, Reading. b. Facts communicated by others. |
Discharged. |
Left the Hospital. |
Died. |
Relation of Informant to Patient: Father.
Family History. |
On Admission.
Presence or Absence of Bruises: No bruises. |
Healthy looking young man with dark hair – Looks depressed. Talks in a slow deliberate way, which he says does not differ from his usual way. Is unwillingly to converse about himself, says that he is all right and wants
rest and complains of the noise in the gallery. Says he has been weak and out of sorts for nearly a year and has seen spirits etc since last October. He now sees black, red and blue spirits or devils; they are of about
the same size as human beings, unclothed and have a ‘spiritual’ appearance, they come out of the walls and vanish if he advances towards them or waves his hand towards them; he does not seem to have observed them closely
and is very unwilling to enter into details about them; in reply to a question he said they were generally moving about. |