As we explored in our former series, Curatorial Conversations, one of the challenges facing a museum of psychiatry is the vast number of potentially...
As readers of this blog will probably be aware, we at the Archives and Museum are preparing to move in 2014. At present, we are working on designs...
We continue our look at why Bethlem has been located at its various sites throughout history.
An exhibition showcasing plans and artwork for the new ‘Museum of the Mind’ at the Bethlem Royal Hospital will be on display in the Bethlem Gallery...
Read more about the discussions that go on behind the scenes when exhibiting objects and stories related to mental health.
Find out more about the myths surrounding the 'Bedlam bones'.
Join us in saying 'farewell' to our previous Head of Archives and Museum, and 'welcome' to our new one!
The Annual Bethlem Sunfayre takes place this year on Saturday 2 July, from 12 - 5pm. As usual, there will be a host of activities, stalls and...
Read how Bethlem has been appearing in the news - the fact and the fiction.
UK-based blog readers may be interested in the Woman's Hour Drama to be broadcast each weekday next week on Radio 4 at 10.45am (repeated at 7.45pm...
Little did we know, when we recommended the Tate’s Watercolour exhibition earlier this month, that mention would be made of Bethlem Hospital...
Those whose plans to visit the Archives & Museum (to honour their group booking or other appointment) were frustrated by the weather last week...
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